I'm Joseph Bonini, an athlete and coach looking to inspire, build a community, and enhance lives. Over time, I realized the importance of fitness, nutrition, and mindset, and the role they have in transforming our life. I specialize in performance training for high-performing athletes and individuals serious about their fitness journey. "The JB Experience" ensures a unique approach to help you achieve unparalleled results.

  • Training Programs

    For those looking to elevate their performance through a structured training program.

    Digital Programs 
  • Online Coaching

    For those looking to commit and be accountable when it comes to training. Follow a custom program through the training app.

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  • In-person Training

    For those looking to elevate their performance on and off the field. Whether you're an athlete or individual who's serious about fitness, this is the most involved path we take to achieving your goals.

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  • Move with intent.

    When you have a purpose or goal, each action you take has intention. In fact, this is how I work with clients. After understanding their goals, I strategically implement a plan. Each element of the plan is intentional and serves a purpose to the larger goal. Intention extends beyond fitness. I live my life with the same concept in mind. Move with intent.

  • Pave your path.

    Everyone’s path is different. This is evident in a fitness routine. The same workouts for one individual, may not have the same effect on another. We see this in life too, and it is important to understand that we control our decisions. Paving your path means you take accountability for your progress, or lack thereof. Taking accountability develops a drive inside of us to make sure we keep pushing forward.

  • Lead by example.

    Leading by example means we are living a life that people hope to emulate; whether it be how we behave, treat others, work hard, etc. Your actions speak volumes to who you are.